Online lecture hall for students and teachers of the flagship university

Due to the epidemiological situation in the country, training at the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov was temporarily transferred to the format of online education.
The department of informatization and communications of the university has become an integral part of the process of online learning of students. Employees of the department in the shortest possible time organized live broadcasts of lectures from all streaming auditoriums of the university.
The broadcasts are carried out on the YouTube channel. Also on this channel videos of lectures already held are posted.
For the convenience of viewing by employees of the department, a web resource "Online lecture hall" was created. At the moment, lectures are broadcasted from the following auditoriums: A1-A7, 031-034, 312, 320, 427, 430, 517, 610, 615 and 523 of the main educational building. Online broadcasting is carried out in accordance with the schedule of the curriculum upon prior request from the teacher. To submit an application, you must contact room 208 of the classroom building  or write by WhatsApp +79040971311 no later than one day before the date of the lecture. For the period of the fall semester of the 2020-2021 academic year, more than 2,000 lectures were delivered online. On average, 70 requests for live lectures are processed per academic week. Using videos of the lectures on the YouTube channel, students can re-watch the lectures. Teachers use video lecture recordings as supplementary material for correspondence students. Live broadcasts and recordings of lectures were viewed 19.4 thousand times by 4.6 thousand unique users.
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