The ambassadors of the Belgorod SEC discussed their participation in the federal project

The Council of Young Scientists and Specialists under the Governor of the Belgorod Region held a meeting, during which they discussed the possibilities of popularizing scientific activities and their participation in the federal project "Academic Class".

The Council intends to change the principles of its work, which were announced by its chairman Victoria Nelyubova, associate professor of the Department of Materials Science and Technology of Materials, BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov. In the near future - active participation in the regional "Week of Science". Scientists also plan to prepare a series of educational lectures on the activities of the Scientific and Educational Center.


The special attention of the council is the involvement of schoolchildren in scientific work, the formation of their worldview position. “Already from the school desk, the guys will be engaged in specific scientific projects that scientists are already conducting in order to present the results of joint work at the Science for Life forum,” said the government curator of the  Yekaterina Zhuravleva, urging  ambassadors to actively cooperate, both with schools and and with the Regional Science Office.

Let us remind you that the members of the updated council of young scientists and specialists became ambassadors of the  “Innovative solutions in the agro-industrial complex”. The mission of the ambassadors provides for their wide involvement in projects already being implemented, as well as the popularization of the activities of the world-class Scientific and Educational Center.

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