Joint research by the flagship university and the Gagarin Research Institute

Within the framework of the concluded agreement on cooperation in the field of research and educational activities between BSTU named after Shukhov and Research Institute  named after Yu.A. Gagarin, research is being successfully carried out in the development of polymer composite materials for the radiation protection of spacecraft and astronauts in conditions of a long orbital flight.

Scientists of the flagship university, together with the staff of the research institute, received 3 patents for inventions of the Russian Federation:

- patent for invention No. 2673336 "Polymer composite for protection from cosmic radiation and a method for its production" (applicants and patent holders - BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov and Research Institute of CTC named after Yu.A. Gagarin: Pavlenko V.I., Lonchakov Yu.V., Deryabin Yu.A., Cherkashina N.I., Yastrebinsky R.N., Deryabin A.Yu., Pavlenko A.V., Manaev V.A.);

- patent for invention No. 2681517 "Polymer composite for protection against ionizing radiation based on track membranes and a method for its production" (applicant and patentee - BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov: Pavlenko V.I., Lonchakov Yu.V., Kuritsyn A.A., Kolobov Yu.R., Cherkashina N.I., Manaev V.A.);

- patent for invention No. 2719682 "Multilayer polymer-carbon composite for protection from cosmic impact and method of its production" (applicants and patent holders - BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov and Research Institute of CTC named after Yu.A. Gagarin: Pavlenko V.I. ., Kuritsyn A.A., Popova E.V., Glagolev S.N., Cherkashina N.I.).

At the end of 2020, two more joint applications for inventions will be filed: "A method for conducting a space experiment to assess the radiation-protective properties of materials in conditions of a long orbital flight" and "Polymer nanocomposite for protection from space impact and a method for its production."

As a result of cooperation, the development of "Polymer composite for protection from space radiation and a method for its production" (authors Pavlenko V.I., Kuritsyn A.A., Popova E.V., Glagolev S.N., Cherkashina N.I.), presented at the 24th Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies "Archimedes-2019", was awarded a gold medal.

Moreover, the project of the BSTU employees. V.G. Shukhova took part in the joint exposition of Russian inventors under the auspices of the Archimedes club at the 24th International Exhibition of Inventics INVENTICA-2020 (Iasi, Romania). The presented development "Multilayer polymer-carbon composite for protection against space impact and a method for its production" was also awarded a diploma and a medal.

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