Expanding cooperation with the Republic of Iraq


On July 30, 2011the delegation from the Republic of Iraq visited Belgorod state technological university named after V.G. Shukhov. The distinguished guests met with the university chancellor and then took part in the session of the Academic Council of the university, with the participation of chancellors of other Belgorod universities: professor A. Turiyanski, head of Belgorod State Agricultural Academy, prof. I.B. Ignatova, the chancellor of Belgorod State Institute of Culture and Art.
Greeting the participants, BSTU Chancellor, Professor S.N. Glagolev, said the following: "Recently, thirty representatives of Teachers Association of Iraq were on a visit at the invitation of our University.  We are planning
a whole series of important meetings and joint activities.


We believe it is logical that within the framework of a cooperation agreement signed this spring    our university today is training 20 students from Iraq. We hope that here they will get excellent training course and will work for the good of their country."
Then the floor was given to the Ministre of Higher Education and Scientific research of Iraq - Dr. Ali Mohammed Ali Al-Adeeb, who stressed the importance of developing cooperation in the field of education and research. Noting the high level of training in Russia, he said that Iraq was interested in close cooperation with Russian universities.
"Scientists is the heritage of the world" - he said.


Chairman of the Rectors Council in Belgorod region, BSTU President, professor A.M. Gridchin in his speech said that the visit on such a high level on the Belgorodian land became possible only thanks to the efforts of all universities of Belgorod region. "Challenges facing Iraq are complicated. We assure that our schools will do their utmost to train highly qualified specialists able to cope with large-scale work to restore the country's economy. "
 Professor A.V. Turianski, the chancellor of Belgorod State Agricultural Academy, and prof. I.B. Ignatova, the chancellor of Belgorod State Institute of Culture and Art told about study opportunities provided by their educational institutions. It was followed by the ceremony of signing the memorandum of understanding between BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov and the Ministry of Education and Scientific research of the Republic of Iraq.


By the decision of the Academic Council, the Ministre of Higher Education of the Republic of Iraq, Dr. Ali Mohammed Ali Al-Adeeb was awarded the title of a  "Honorary Doctor of Belgorod State Technological University named after VG Shukhov", a diploma and a mantle.
In conclusion, everybody had an opportunity to address their questions to the members of the delegation.


At the end of the meeting  the guests had a tour of the university, during which the  delegation from Iraq was able to learn about modern educational technologies used in the department of mechanical equipment. In the section on "Nanosystems in building materials science" they were presented a report about scientific developments in nanotechnology.
Genuine interest was aroused by the work of a central security checkpoint, which provides not only control over safety of students and the academic staff, but also controls the water circulation system and power supply.

The delegation was able to see the museum and other places at the university campus.
After that the representatives of the Ministry of Education and scientific research  of Iraq were invited to visit another educational institution in Belgorod - Belgorod State University.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Victoria Goryainova


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