HeidelbergCement: cooperation is going on


In the mid July Novogurovski cement factory in Tula region was put into operation. Delegation from Belgorod State Shukhov Technological University headed by professor V.S. Bogdanov, Director of the Institute of Equipment and Complexes, took part in the opening ceremony together with other 150 participants.

According to V.S. Bogdanov the new factory meets all up-to-date requirements with the output as high as 2 million ton of cement a year. The construction of the factory started in April 2009. The production technology is based on the dry method with most of the processes automated. The use of state-of-art technologies minimizes negative environmental impact. The total area of the production facility, including quarries is almost 100 hecteres.


It is no less important that «HeidelbergCement», a German concern, owns the factory.  «HeidelbergCement» and BSTU have had long-term relationship based on the agreement on staff training for cement industry.


The commissioning of the factory allowed to create 400 additional jobs. 10 BSTU graduates are going to start work there as soon as the production line is put into operation.

- The new factory will be included into major up-to-date cement works in Russia. This will provide the dynamic construction materials market in Moscow and Moscow region with high-quality cement. As far as «HeidelbergCement» management is concerned, it will keep interest to cooperation with our university. On its part BSTU will ensure qualified specialist training for the cement industry and make efforts towards their employment after the students complete their course- summarized professor V.S. Bogdanov.

It is important to note that «HeidelbergCement» has been operating in Russia since 2001. Rusian assets include a cement factory in Slantsy (Leningrad region), basic shares in a company producing construction materials in Bashkortostan, factory producing concrete mixes «Gurovo Concrete» and «Voronezhskoe Rudoupravlenije», quarries. HeidelbergCement is also an importer of high quality cement from their own cement factories located in Sweden and Norway through terminals in Kaliningrad, Murmansk and Arkhangelsk. The concern is closely cooperating with our university in terms of specialist training for cement industry, takes part in the annual Congress of cement producers, taking place in autumn, when BSTU becomes a venue for the congress.

Igor Mereshenko



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