Educational Exhibition in China


On June 16-23, 2011 Beijing hosted a representative conference "Innovations in international education. Export of educational services and advanced programs of higher education in Russia "(the Day of Russian higher education assistance through the International Forum on Education) in China (Beijing).”. Our representative, Eugeniy Kapustin, director of the Centre of International Education and Cooperation took part in the event. After hearing the reports, speeches, messages and suggestions of representative conference, it is useful to note the positive nature of the dialogue, the importance and usefulness for both countries of such events and the need for further inter-agency, inter-institutional contacts in education and  export of educational services.

It was particularly emphasized that in the highly competitive international education market, it is necessary to accelerate the exchange of scientific developments and introduce new technologies, develop the research potential and improve the quality and sustainability of the educational programs at Russian scientific and educational institutions.
With a view to ensure the permanence of Russian-Chinese cooperation in education and make the process predictable as well as to develop the existing potential the conference participants suggested the following: more actively pursue the development of humanitarian ties using the forms of international cooperation, students’ and academic staff mobility with educational purposes, mobility of academic programs and institutional mobility, establishing new international academic standards; institutional partnership as recommended by the concept for export of educational services of the Russian Federation for 2011-2020.

To expand Russian-Chinese cooperation in the sphere of the most popular and attractive forms: conferences, seminars, workshops, educational fairs of services, exhibitions, etc. with the participation of representatives and bilateral decisions taken in the area of education.
To request the representative of the Ministry of Education and Science, the conference participant V.V Markovic, to inform the Minister of Education and Science A.A. Fursenko about the  offer by the conference participants as well as  of the existing objective conditions for the resumption of state support of exhibitions and fairs to be held in China.

The conference was attended by the representatives of Russian higher educational institutions such as: Penza State University, Tyumen State University, Belgorod State Institute of Culture and Arts, Kursk State University, Voronezh State Technological Academy, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov, Beijing University of Language and Culture, Altai State Technical university named after I.I. Polzunov, Russian University of Peoples Friendship, Russian- Chinese Centre for Cooperation in Education, science, culture, sports, healthcare, tourism Beijing Association of Foreign Students, The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.




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