American Scientist visits Belgorod State Shukhov Technological University
Within the framework of international cooperation Konstantin Sobolev, assistant professor, "Civil Engineering and Mechanics," Department, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, United States, visited our university.
In the course of the visit a scientist from America, met BSTU Chansellor, Professor S.N. Glagolev. Konstantin Sobolev told about the education system at the institution he represents. According to him, it greatly differs from the Russian education system.
"Our classes are small. There is no specialization, as you have. Each faculty staff member has his own page in the Internet where he places his lectures. Students on the Web site are free to use these lectures, make notes and discuss. It is very convenient, as the specialized literature is very expensive. "However we have no on-line lectures so far, and this experience is expected to be borrowed from your university.” In addition, as Konstantin Sobolev noted at the meeting, he is interested in nanotechnology.
Then, associate professor of the University of Wisconsin, met with the students and faculty staff of the Institute construction materials. Konstantin Sobolev delivered a lecture on "Basic scientific developments in the area of construction nanotehnolgy." Lecturers of our University noted that the research works have much in common. Therefore, the lecture provoked a stormy discussion.
Our visitor also was in the section of nanotechnology, where he learned about the achievements of our institution.
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