The main thing is not to stop, but to move forward

“The main thing is not to stop, but to move forward!” Anatoly Mitrofanovich Gridchin once told himself and is still faithful to this motto. Despite all the difficulties and obstacles, the thirst to find oneself always gained the upper hand, and no troubles could force them to go astray while still a very young specialist in road construction.

Behind Anatoly Mitrofanovich huge experience. This experience taught me to search for non-standard ways to solve problems, sometimes work in difficult conditions and always have a cold look at any problem. “The main principle of my work is to do everything for a man!”, Anatoly Gridchin said more than once in his interviews.

The craving for study and science appeared back in the student years, when competent specialists were required like air and, in order not to face the dirt, they had to study tirelessly. That is how inexorable perseverance, readiness for constant work, and also the courage to undertake difficult tasks appeared. Therefore, Anatoly Mitrofanovich combined work in the governor’s team with teaching at the Technologist, which year after year became an integral and very important part of his life.


Starting from the work of an assistant and reaching the professor, he saw like no one else that the university needed big changes ... That was the way the new path began for Anatoly Gridchin, rector of one of the best technical universities in the country. Over ten years, tremendous work has been done to improve education and improve its quality, on the development of science and on the improvement of the university and its hostels.

It is difficult to list everything that was done by Anatoly Mitrofanovich. It is enough to go for a walk along the university paths, look at the monument to Vladimir Grigorievich Shukhov, or go for a run to the stadium. “Much has been done, but more needs to be done, so you can’t stop on this issue,” as Anatoly Mitrofanovich always says, recalling the years of work as rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.

It was on this day exactly 20 years ago that Anatoly Mitrofanovich Gridchin became the rector of the university, who presented the Belgorod region with more than one generation of worthy engineers and builders. Now he holds the honorary post of president of BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov and is the chairman of the Council of Rectors of the Belgorod region. We are pleased and proud that we have the opportunity to gain experience working with such a professional as Anatoly Mitrofanovich, learn from him an active life position, gain rich practical experience and work for the prosperity of the Belgorod State Technological University named after Vladimir Shukhov!

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