BSTU named after V.G.Shukhov hosted a meeting with statesman and politician Sergei Bozhenov

The visit of the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation took place as part of a meeting of the public council of the federal party project “Historical memory” of the Belgorod region. They discussed the topic of patriotic education of youth at a reference university, as well as the results of the party project “Historical memory” in the territory of the Belgorod Region for 2019 and tasks for 2020.

The rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov –prof.Sergey Glagolev, noting the importance of maintaining and strengthening the patriotic consciousness of youth. The university annually carries out work in all areas of historical and patriotic education: spiritual, moral, civil-patriotic, historical and regional studies, heroic-patriotic, military-patriotic, sports-patriotic and social-patriotic.


“All areas are united in the general concept of patriotic education, which is an integral part of the educational process in the training of young professionals. At our university, this process begins from the moment of admission and continues throughout the entire period of study. From the very first days freshmen are introduced to the historical heritage of the university, get acquainted with the expositions of the exhibition complex, dedicated to the history of our outstanding fellow countryman Vladimir Grigoryevich Shukhov, ”the rector said in his report.

The deputy of the State Duma of the seventh convocation Sergey Bozhenov spoke on the second issue of the agenda of the meeting, who said that the main idea of ​​the general party project "Historical memory" in the Belgorod region is to preserve the country's historical cultural heritage.

“This year and next year, the main efforts of the regional public council of the historical memory party project will be aimed at carrying out a range of activities related to the preparations for the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II,” Sergei Bozhenov emphasized.

After the meeting of the public council of the federal party project “Historical memory” was completed, the deputy met with students of the main university. In the framework of the “dialogue on equal terms” in a relaxed atmosphere, a conversation was held, touching upon urgent issues of patriotic education of youth. Students were interested in what large-scale events are planned for 2020, how to raise a future patriot, and what conditions should be created for the successful implementation of youth in the Belgorod region.

Sergey Bozhenov not only answered the questions of young engineers, but also gave them advice on how to go through the interview stage when applying for a job and how to realize yourself in life as a professional in your field.

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