International online congress, as part of the 30th anniversary of the Department of Department of Building Materials, Products and Structures take place at BSTU

On the 4th of December , the II International Online Congress "Nature-like technologies of building composites for protecting the human environment" was held, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Department of Building Materials, Products and Structures. Over the years of its work, the department has trained sought-after specialists who work in specialized universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, Buryatia, Yakutia, Vladivostok and many other cities of our country.

The congress was attended by graduates of the department: Yevgeny Glagolev, Deputy Governor of the Belgorod Region - Head of the Department of Construction and Transport of the Belgorod Region and Alexander Scheglov, deputy of the Belgorod Regional Duma. In addition, the guests of the event were representatives of many engineering universities, including representatives of the Russian Academy of Engineering and the University of Germany (Weinsberg).

On behalf of the leadership of BSTU. named after V.G. Shukhov was greeted by the first vice-rector Yevgeny Yevtushenko, who noted the special importance of the department in the development of technologies for the production of building materials, products and structures.

The international online congress included presentations on relevant topics of environmental technology and section work. The speeches of the corresponding member of RAASN, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, the head of the Department of Building Materials, Products and Structures Valery Lesovik and the Deputy Governor of the Belgorod Region Yevgeny Glagolev opened the work.
The main topics for discussion were the issues of building composites for a comfortable human environment; the law of affinity of structures in the design of dry building mixtures and the law of similarity in the formation of high-strength composites; nature-friendly technologies for creating composites for fortifications and composites for 3D additive technologies in construction were discussed; and issues of architectural geonics and design, the theory and practice of technogenic metasomatism in building materials science were raised.
Based on the results of the congress, a collection of articles will be prepared and placed in the scientometric database of the RSCI.

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