Department of Marketing Celebrates 20th Anniversary

The department was founded on 25th of October, 1999. The first graduation in Marketing specialty took place in 2005.

The head of the department is Doctor of Economics, Professor Ekaterina Shchetinina, a talented poet and writer. Under her leadership, the department is actively working on candidate and doctoral dissertations, business projects, grants, employees participate in the branding program of the Belgorod region.

At the moment, two professors, 6 associate professors and one senior teacher are working at the marketing department. The educational unit has more than 20 specialized disciplines. Many research works of employees and graduate students are awarded with registered diplomas, diplomas, certificates and certificates.

A marketer is an attentive, sociable, observant specialist who is inconceivable without knowledge of sociology, foreign languages, psychology, the fundamentals of economics and statistics.

At the department, the “Regional Club of Marketers” has been successfully operating, within the framework of which round tables, scientific and practical conferences, quizzes and business games are held. Not only students of the BSTU, but also students of universities in Russia and abroad are actively participating in the club.




Colleagues and fellow students gathered to celebrate the anniversary. Graduates of different years who could not come to the meeting sent their video greetings from Vienna, Rome, Istanbul, London, Moscow, St. Petersburg.

The ceremony was opened by the Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics and Management, Yuri Bozhkov. Further, the head of marketing, Ekaterina Shchetinina, addressed the congratulatory words, noting that the organization of the educational process at the department is primarily focused on the training of modern and creative specialists with fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge in general economic and specialized disciplines.

In honor of the anniversary Ekaterina Shchetinina head of department was awarded with gratitude for professionalism and conscientious work, and the best students-marketers - certificates of appreciation and gratitude.


After the ceremonial part, the guests were invited to anniversary events, which included an intra-university scientific and practical seminar, quest, master classes and Health Day. Regardless of the test scores received, all participants were awarded memorable gifts.

The department plans to conduct new seminars, expand contractual work with enterprises and organizations of the Belgorod region for targeted training of specialists, market research of innovative products.

The marketing team thanks the leadership of the university and the director of the Institute of Economics and Management, Yuriy Doroshenko, for his invaluable work in the establishment and development of the educational unit.

We wish the staff and students of the department new discoveries, scientific achievements, effective marketing solutions and the realization of professional opportunities.

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