BSTU named after V.G.Shukhov and FEFU - partner universities

Teachers of the Chemical-Technological Institute of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov had a business visit to Vladivostok. The purpose of the visit was the establishment of mutually beneficial partnerships with colleagues and campaigning by students of secondary special educational institutions and schools of the cities of Vladivostok and Ussuriysk, as part of the participation in the FarEastCon-2019 International Multidisciplinary Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies.

At the conference at the Far Eastern Federal University, reports were presented by professors from the departments of industrial ecology, Professor Yuri Rubanov and associate professor Julia Tokach, from the department of life safety, lecturers were associate professors Alexander Semeykin and Elena Klimova. The work was devoted to the latest developments in assessing and forecasting occupational risks in industrial enterprises using information and analytical systems, as well as technology for removing oil and oil products from the surface of the water using a controlled magnetic field.

The reports presented were highly praised by colleagues and will be published in journals included in the Scopus database.
Within the framework of the conference, teachers from the reference university visited the Center for Nanotoxicology and Nanopollution of the FEFU Engineering School, where they got acquainted with the latest educational and laboratory facilities, including those intended for scientific research in the field of nanomaterial safety and technosphere safety.
During the visit of our delegation to Vladivostok, a meeting was held with colleagues from the Far Eastern Federal University. At the meeting, it was decided to conclude an agreement between universities on scientific and technical cooperation between the FEFU Engineering School and the Chemical-Technological Institute of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.

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