Students and professors of BSTU named after V.G.Shukhov celebrated the new academic year

On the 2nd of  September a solemn ceremony dedicated to the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of the new school year was held on the square of the University of the University.

On the holiday students were congratulated by the administration, directors of institutes, employees and teachers of the university, representatives of the authorities and business of the Belgorod region.

“Today 1st year students are joining the ranks of Shukhov team . Guys, you discover one of the brightest pages in your life. I would like to wish that you strive to take the most out of the time spent at the university, fill it with hard work, friendship and love. The new school year is a new step to the heights of educational knowledge that you have to master. I wish you a creative mood and new discoveries, the realization of hopes and dreams, and excellent grades. Happy holiday, dear freshmen, ”rector of the university Sergey Glagolev congratulated the guys.
On behalf of the governor and the regional government, the head of the Belgorod Region Culture Department, Konstantin Kurganskyi, addressed all those present: “Dear friends, the Technological University plays a very important role in the economic, social, and cultural development of Belgorod region and the whole of Russia. Your university takes a unique place in the educational space of our country. Despite all the achievements, successful projects and innovative discoveries, you never stop there, set new goals and achieve brilliant results.

Dear 1st year students, you have made the right choice. You have years of interesting study ahead, tests and exams, projects and ideas. Appreciate this time, work on yourself, learn, create, love and be happy. ”

This year, over 3,500 freshmen joined the ranks of students at the Technologist. The most talented and worthy had the honor to read the oath of the student Shukhovets and ignite the symbolic Fire of knowledge.

As part of the holiday, a large-scale interactive platform called “Time of Opportunities” developed on the main square of the university, where the children were told about the activities of student associations of the university. Everyone could visit the university’s museum, take part in the work of sports facilities and thematic photo zones.

A gift for all those present were vocal and choreographic performances performed by the creative teams of the university.








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