Russian-Moroccan Friendship Center opened on the basis of the flagship university

It was created for the all-round development of cooperation between BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov and the University Hassan I (Settat, Morocco).

Russian and Moroccan universities have close partnerships. For three years, teachers of the operatic university of the region come to Morocco to teach foreign students the Russian language, to get acquainted with the culture and traditions of Russia. In addition to the educational program, the guys participate in thematic festivals, competitions and scientific conferences.
In the opening ceremony, the first vice-rector of BSTU named after. V.G. Shukhov Yevgeny Yevtushenko:
“Dear colleagues, guests and friends. Today we are opening a center for international cooperation on various issues.

I would very much like students who came to us from Morocco not only to learn Russian, but also to get acquainted with our university, its scientific potential and achievements. Be sure to visit the High-Tech Center, talk with our scientists. I am sure that we have found common ground between our universities, not only in the sphere of culture and language, but also in the sphere of science and innovation. ”

At the solemn event, representatives of two universities exchanged gifts. The trademark members presented to the employees of Technology a medal with the symbols of their university.
The first visitors to the center were the best students of the University  Hassan the First. They came to BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov in the summer language school. During the month, children will study the Belgorod Regional and Technological University.

In August, students of BSTU will visit in Morocco.

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