The team of the university entered the top-100 educational intensive Island 10-22

There are 5,000 people from 177 Russian universities fought for the right to become participants. As a result, 100 teams and 130 individual participants, among whom there are representatives of the base university of the Belgorod region, are identified.

“Island 10-22” is an educational intensive on the basis of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology. Its goal is the creation and development of teams of regional universities that will be able to implement systemic changes in the field of training for technological development. The relevance and importance of the project was personally noted by Russian President Vladimir Putin at the plenary session of the congress of the Russian Union of Rectors:

“We need modern approaches to the formation of a single educational space. Today, the requirements of time, trends in economics, science, and the labor market are such that young people should have the opportunity to build their own educational trajectories, to receive, integrate knowledge and skills from different areas, and for this we, of course, need to remove the boundaries between different levels education systems.

A community of people who are passionate about technological breakthroughs should be formed around higher education institutions. In this regard, I consider it necessary to build regional models of interaction between innovators, high-tech companies, enterprises, and this, of course, can also be done at higher educational institutions. ”

Participation in such an intensity is an opportunity for universities to interact with the ecosystem of the National Technology Initiative, a large-scale state program to create conditions for the withdrawal of Russian breakthrough technologies and projects to international markets.

In the competition team from BSTU. V.G. Shukhov included vice-rectors, directors of institutes, heads of departments, heads of departments and specialized organizations, business representatives.

As part of the absentee selection in the top 100, Shukhovs successfully passed competitive diagnostics and received an invitation to an in-person meeting “Islands 10-22”. Educational intensive will be held from 10 to 22 July in Moscow.

Before it starts, the participants will have to choose their role in the team, which will largely affect the individual track. In addition, in the middle of May, they will have access to preparatory online courses. In Moscow, participants will learn new management techniques, practice in digital disciplines and end-to-end NTI technologies, as well as master classes and communication with world-class experts.

Note that the first educational intensive “Island 10-21” was held in the summer of 2018 on Russky Island and became an important event for hundreds of Russian technological projects. 1000 businessmen, investors, inventors, scientists, students and talented schoolchildren became participants of the “Island”. Here, for the first time, fundamentally new approaches and practices of intensive training using artificial intelligence technologies were developed.

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