Team of BSTU conquered the Olympic circuit

The delegation of those who are not indifferent to the autosport of students of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov won the amateur carting tournament "SMPRacing / Gazprom to Children", which took place in the Olympic Park in Sochi.

The goal of the tournament is the development of motor sports in Russia and the attraction of young people to motor racing, motivation in technical sports, including carting. Among the tasks and the identification of gifted young people for their further education and preparation for participation in motorsports competitions. The event was held as part of the program for the support of Russian karting drivers Gazprom to Children, and the organizer was the Health of the Nation autonomous non-profit organization.


Participated in the tournament 15 students of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov: students, undergraduates and graduate students. The delegation representing the Belgorod region also included seven students of the Belgorod Construction College.

The tournament consisted of two parts: qualifying and qualifying parts and final competitions. At the first stage it was necessary to show the best lap time. Six pilots who showed the minimum time, formed the final composition of the race.

The race turned out to be very unpredictable and tense: along with experienced pilots, the debutants of the kartodrome joined the fight, demonstrating real audacity and will to win. It is worth noting that there were no professional racers among the participants, since one of the conditions for participation in the tournament is the absence of a racing license.


In the course of intense struggle, the pedestal went to the Shukhov team:

- The third place was taken by Victoria Saplinova, a graduate student of the Institute of Technological Equipment and Mechanical Engineering;

- II place - Maxim Levshin, a student of the Transport and Technological Institute;

- First place went to Merdan Sultanov, a graduate student at the Institute of Technological Equipment and Mechanical Engineering.

“I have been involved in carting since 2016, but for now this is an amateur level. This is not my first reward, but it is always nice to win, especially in conditions of such competition. I plan to continue to develop in automotive sports and, of course, do not stop there, "- said the winner of the race at the end of the race.

Note that financial support in organizing the trip for students of the supporting university was provided by the united trade union of the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov. Competitors express their gratitude for the assistance provided.

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