University Museum celebrated 40 years anniversary

The museum and exhibition complex  of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov celebrated  anniversary. The staff organized open doors program, conducting tours for all comers.


Not only students, but also residents of Belgorod, guests from the Shebekino urban district, came to get to know the base university of the region that day. The museum's director, Tamara Konoreva, told sightseers about the history of the university, how it went through all three stages of formation: it was first an institution, then an academy, and then it became a university. Do not forget about the life of the engineer Vladimir Shukhov, the achievements of teachers and students of the university.


Interestingly, now the museum and exhibition complex - these are two locations at the university with a museum exhibition and a spacious exhibition hall, where thematic exhibitions, poetry readings and more are held on a regular basis. Here is the highlight of the University Museum - Shukhov's quest room. Anyone can try their luck and find eight keys hidden in the office of a famous engineer.

MVK for 40 years has accumulated a lot of victories. He is the winner of the All-Russian competition for the best museum in the nomination “The Best Museum Exposition in Russia in the Region”, the winner of the All-Russian Competition for the best media project dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad, the winner of the regional competition “Keep and multiply” and not only.

The design and exhibition work of the museum involves not only employees, but also students of the supporting university. They design stands, exhibitions, catalogs and presentations.

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