The Council of Universities Rectors of the Belgorod Region discussed the innovative development of the region

Important issues on the agenda were lean manufacturing and problems of innovation.

The meeting was held on the basis of the Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after I.D. Putilin. In addition to the rectors and vice-rectors of universities, Olga Pavlova, deputy governor of the Belgorod region, Albina Buchek, head of the department of vocational education and science, and Konstantin Teterin, general director of the Corporation, participated in the meeting.


Olga Pavlova told about lean production. Currently, this approach is being actively implemented in the management systems of the Belgorod Region.

Lean management is a philosophy based on the idea of ​​eliminating losses in processes and reducing useless actions that do not add value to a service or product. The leader and the main ideologue for the application of such technologies is Japan, but the approach around the world is popular.

In the Belgorod region, the concept is being introduced into the education system. Since the end of 2018, lean projects have been implemented at the Belgorod Institute of Educational Development.


At the meeting, the rectors and vice-rectors of BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov, National Research University "BelSU" and Belgorod SAU named after V.Ya. Gorina identified the problems of introducing innovations and suggested ways to solve them. Konstantin Teterin, the director of the Corporation Development, also took part in the conversation. He spoke about the formation of the innovation environment of the region and the creation of conditions for the commercialization of innovation-oriented projects.

Recall, the Council of Rectors is a state-public governing body for higher and postgraduate professional education. In the Belgorod region there is a regional office of the Russian Union of Rectors. The head of the regional council is the president of the supporting university – BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov - Anatoly Gridchin.

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