Defenders of the Belgorod region showed their skills

On the eve of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland itself, the defenders of the Belgorod region military-sports festival took place at the base university of the Belgorod Region, the participants of which were students of the Military Training Center of  BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov.



The celebration was attended by the guests of honor: the rector of BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov Sergey Glagolev, president of the university Anatoly Gridchin, vice rector for cultural, educational and social work Irina Avilova, chief engineer of the university Georgy Golikov, director of institutes, chairman of the council of veterans of the university Andrei Cherkasov, head of the military-patriotic club “Warrior” of the regional branch of the DOSAAF Russia Belgorod region Andrei Seminyakin, as well as the officers of the "Combat Brotherhood" and the staff of the military department of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, who worked from 1982 to 2009.



“The university has a very good material and technical base, which provides an opportunity for students to realize their abilities not only in science and creativity, but also to study military affairs. I am sure that being excellent military men, you will glorify not only our university, but also Russia as a whole, ”Sergey Nikolayevich greeted the participants of the holiday.


Competitions were held in two nominations: "Military Relay" and "Tug-of-war". And if the second is a primordially-Russian competition, familiar to all, the “Military Relay” has shown many surprises.

The cadets with dexterity demonstrated a secretive method of movement in battle, throws of grenades, somersaults, fulfilled standards for incomplete disassembly of the machine gun, assembly of the machine gun and skillful possession of weapons. They showed the skill of replenishing ammunition equipment and lightning-vestments in a chemical protection suit, and even demonstrated the group’s withdrawal with fire cover and transportation of a wounded comrade.

All tasks were performed on time: the gap between the winner and the winner was made in seconds, which confirmed the high level of training of cadets.

The winners of the dragging competition were the platoon C-319, the second place was taken by the platoon C-219, the third - C-119. In the military relay championship won the platoon K-218, and the winner was a platoon K-118.

In addition to competitions, a solemn assignment of special titles to the best cadets took place at the military-sports festival.

The special title "Vice Sergeant" was awarded to Igor Akinin (platoon commander K-118) and Vladislav Vasilenko (platoon commander K-218).

The special title “Vice Junior Sergeant” was given to: Alexander Polyakov, Rodion Domasevich, Danil Lukashevich, Vladimir Tokarev, Dmitry Shestakov, Alexey Boltenkov.

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