Cultural exchanges: guests from Serbia

In BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov continues the visit of the delegation from the Serbian city of Vranje, which arrived on February 6 to the supporting university. Pupils of the Bora Stankovic gymnasium have already seen the beauties of Belgorod, appreciated the campus of the “Technologist”, got acquainted with the Slavic culture at the Center of the Biological Research Institute and got a lot of knowledge. Now it is the turn of cultural exchange.


Traditional youth educational events “Serbian” and “Russian” evenings are a great opportunity to experience foreign culture, get unforgettable emotions and enjoy concert performances.


“Serbian Evening” is a kind of “portal” that takes across time and borders to the Republic of Serbia, filled with interesting places. The event was attended by Alina Denischik, Head of the Youth Policy Department of the City of Belgorod, Suzanna Mišić-Stankovic, Director of the Bora Stankovic Gymnasium, Alexandra Androsova, Director of the Slavic Center for Biology and Political Studies of the BGTU named after V.G. Shukhov Victoria Ryapukhina.

Honored guests greeted the audience and participants of the evening. Alina Yuryevna noted the importance of such events and presented the head of the Serbian delegation with souvenirs with attributes of the Belgorod region, icons and books. In response, Ms. Susanna Misic-Stankovic presented as a gift to BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov memorable gifts.

The students of the Serbian gymnasium, through poems, music, songs and dances, presented the city of Vranje, which allowed all spectators and participants to fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere of southern Serbia. Scenes from the famous drama by Borislav Stankovic “Kostana”, poems by famous Serbian poets in original sound, as well as favorite songs of the Serbian youth sounded from the stage.










The next day, the Russian Evening was held for guests from Serbia. Creative teams of the student palace of culture BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov prepared an interesting program. Representatives of the vocal studios “Music of Happiness” and “Faculty”, the youth group of the Cossack song and the vocal and choral studio performed patriotic songs, the folk dance ensemble “Sokolyata”, the studio “Dance laboratory”, the ensemble of pop dance “Premier” and the winner of the regional competition “Student” Spring-2018 ”Ibrahim Abibulayev in his rooms showed real Russian folk dances and modern choreography, and the guys from the creative workshop“ The World of Our Thoughts ”read poems of famous Russian poets.

At the end of the evening, Serbian guests were waiting for interactive entertainment, in which everyone could show imagination, knack and get a prize. The guys noted that the evenings were truly atmospheric and emotional, and the memories will remain for a long time in their hearts.

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