The university discussed projects for the use of new technologies and materials in the construction industry

A regular meeting of the interdepartmental working group “New technologies and materials in the construction industry” was held at the core university, in the sections “Innovations in Design and Construction Materials”, “Operation of Capital Construction Objects and Technosphere Safety”.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the department of construction and transport of the administration of the Belgorod region, design and construction organizations, leading scientists of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, managers and key specialists of the construction industry enterprises of the Belgorod region, key participants of the strategic project “BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov - the driver of the development of the construction industry of the Belgorod region ".


During the meeting, Director of ExpertProjectStroy LLC Pavel Sapozhnikov presented the concept of a fundamental project of a robotic complex for building life cycle management, covering all stages of creating and implementing a construction project from conceptual design and feasibility study to construction control of the object being constructed, and its effective operation.


The project implementation by the author is planned for five years with the involvement of scientists from BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, IT professionals in Russia and abroad, based on the regional specifics of the construction activities in the Belgorod Region and with the possibility, if the project succeeds, to transfer and scale the universal methods and algorithms obtained throughout the country.

Speech by the head of the UNIR BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov Andrey Naumov was summing up the interim results of the integrated research work of the interdepartmental team of researchers from the engineering and construction institute to identify key areas of rational use, structure and volume of economic efficiency of textile concrete structures and cellular concrete reinforced with light steel thin-walled profiles .


In the work of university scientists reviewed actual examples of the improvement of constructive solutions in construction with the use of innovative technologies and functional materials developed and researched in university laboratories. In the future, experimental studies of improved building structures, determination of the area of ​​their effective use, creation of engineering design techniques and elements of technical regulation of the quality of constructed building products are planned.

For conscientious work and active participation in the activities of the interdepartmental working group, university scientists who submitted projects during 2018 were encouraged by letters of thanks from the department of construction and transport.

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