In the reference university made memorable entries in the book The Chronicle of the Immortal Regiment

A unique edition - the international book of memory “Annals of the“ Immortal Regiment ”- was presented in Belgorod. The presentation was held at the flagship  university – BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.



The event was attended by vice-rector for cultural, educational and social work Irina Avilova, chief engineer of the university, honorary citizen of Belgorod Georgy Golikov, head of the regional branch of the civil-patriotic movement "Immortal Regiment of Russia" in St. Petersburg, Sergei Borodulin, chairman of the Belgorod branch of the International Public Ford Russian Peace Foundation Vladimir Nosov, poet, novelist and essayist Stanislav Minakov, representatives of the regional council of veterans, veteran communities, The students are "technology", representatives of the media.

Welcoming the participants, Irina Avilova noted that memory education is very important for students, for the age when the main formation of life position, personal qualities, and world outlook takes place.

“After all, it is young people who will have to become that bridge between the generations that will carry the glory of the Victory to descendants. Our history is a source of moral strength, ideological conviction, spiritual continuity of generations, and the basis of the patriotic education of students today, ”the Vice-Rector emphasized.

In a solemn atmosphere were made entries on behalf of the university management, guests of the event, students. Note that the first entry in the book made the temporary head of the DPR Denis Pushilin. “The immortal regiment is the inseparable connection of generations, a tribute of great respect to the heroic ancestors for a peaceful sky overhead. Millions of our compatriots honor the memory of the winners, creators of the Great Victory and the number of participants in this action is growing every year, ”the textbook says.


The book is published in a single copy. On the title is a photograph of A. Zakharchenko (the deceased head of the DPR) and the signature “In memory of Alexander Vladimirovich Zakharchenko, who has forever joined the ranks of the Immortal Regiment”.

The book has a total of about 500 pages. Filled some of them. As the organizers of the action explained, those who wish can leave words of memory about the heroes of wars on blank sheets.

After its presentation in Donetsk in October 2018, the book went on a symbolic tour of the cities-heroes, cities of military valor and glory. The first stop is St. Petersburg.

By the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory, the book will be returned to Donetsk.

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