Experts opinion about agrogomeopathy

At the flagship  university – BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov - the first of the series was a training seminar for specialists on the topic “Innovative non-chemical technologies of growing plants in a garden”.


The cycle of information and consulting training workshops, which will be held on the basis of the university with the aim of popularizing and improving the agrogomeopathic method, is devoted to this area.


It should be noted that in Russia this is a new trend that is only gaining momentum, and there are already professional farms abroad that have adopted methods of agrogomeopathy. The prospect of abandoning chemicals on earth in favor of natural homeopathic medicines is attracting more and more supporters.

Violetta Lepikhina, head physician at the Da Vinci Medical Center in Belgorod, a homeopath with three years of experience, told the seminar participants about the founder of homeopathy, the history of homeopathy in Russia and its essence as such. The seminar leader, Candidate of Psychology Lyudmila Kondratenko, in her presentation, told how to protect herself from the negative influence obtained today from many sources of information.


Leading engineer of the Civil Engineering Institute of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov Ivan Sukhorukov clearly told about the experience of using agrogomeopathy in the world, and also gave the results of a personal three-year experience in the fight against aphids, goosebumps and the American white butterfly in his garden and garden using homeopathy. At the seminar, participants familiarized themselves with the tools that are necessary for the use of agrogomepathic medicines.

During the discussions, the workshop participants had a steady interest and intention to abandon chemicals in favor of homeopathic medicines when growing plants in the garden.

For reference: the organizers of the training seminar were Belgorod Regional Center for Expertise and Assessment, PFK Fitasinteks, LLC, the Civil Engineering Institute of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.

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