Academic Council summed up the results of the academic year 2017-2018

The results of the University’s work in 2017/2018 academic year and the tasks for the new period were determined. The issue of the readiness of educational programs for the university state accreditation also was on the agenda.

Before the main agenda, rector of the university, Professor Sergey Glagolev, presented honored departmental, municipal, regional and federal appreciations.


Vice-rectors made presentations on the results of the university work of in 2017/2018 academic year and the tasks for the new academic year.

Vladimir Polyakov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, noted that the entire university staff is actively working on a program to improve the quality of education. Vladimir Mikhailovich stressed that one of the main criteria for evaluating work is the student attendance. From this year, the university has a facial recognition system, which can monitor and control the dynamics of student attendance of to control this criterion.

Evgeny Evtushenko, Vice-Rector for Science, noted that the level of publication activity of university scientists remains high and will continue to increase in the future.


Tatyana Davydenko, Vice-Rector for Innovation, spoke about obtaining a license for educational activities of Higher Colleges of Technology in three educational programs in the following areas: architecture; management, operation and maintenance of an apartment building and the rational use of environmental complexes. Also Tatyana Mikhailovna told about the project orientation of the development of the university.

Vice-rector for continuing education of the university, Sergey Mikhailichenko, cited indicators characterizing the employment of graduates during the reporting period.


Irina Avilova, vice-rector for cultural, educational and social work, presented all aspects of this activity, noting that the organization of educational work at the university is an important condition for creating a single space, a factor of socialization of the individual, whose effective tool is student self-government.

Vice-rector for international affairs Ruslan Lesovik told about international activity. There are more than 1,812 foreign citizens from 67 countries, who study at the university. 170 foreigners study in English programs.

The next issue on the agenda was made by Yevgeny Doroganov, Director of the Education Policy Department. Yevgeny Anatolyevich reported on the results of cross-checks of educational programs, as well as on the readiness for state accreditation of the university.

Following the discussion of the reports, the academic council noted the large volume of work has been carried out and the significant successes achieved by the university staff.

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