Students of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov wrote the All-Russian economic dictation
On October 4, the flagship university of the Belgorod Region became a regional platform № 3105 for conducting the all-Russian annual educational action “All-Russian Economic Dictation”.
The action was organized by Free Economic Society of Russia with the participation of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov, Moscow Aviation Institute, the Administration of the Subjects of the Russian Federation and is designed to identify and improve the level of economic literacy of the population.
The purpose of dictation is to identify and increase the level of economic literacy of the population as a whole and its individual age and professional groups, develop the intellectual potential of young people, assess economic activity and economic literacy of the population in various constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
More than a hundred students of Institute of Economics and Management participated in dictation.
In total, there were 20 questions from various areas of economic knowledge: finance, currency relations, wages and other. The topic of dictation is “Strong economy - prosperous Russia!”. Participants who will be able to score more than 80 points by the results will be invited to participate in the final of the All-Russian project “Festival of Economic Science”.