Students actively participate in the TRP

From 17 to 21 September at the sports base of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov in the framework of the project of the Association of the Student Sports Club "From Steading-Off to the Mark of the TRP Distinction" the students of the university were tested in the sports and fitness complex "Ready for Labor and Defense".


The sports complex "Student accounts of ASSC of Russia" is a youth project that provides for the preparation and direct implementation by students of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation aged between 17 and 29 years established by the draft regulatory requirements for two levels of difficulty corresponding to gold and silver insignia. The main task is to check the level of preparation for the implementation of the TRP complex. Each student within the walls of his own university can assess his strength by following the standards, while focusing on the sports infrastructure of the university.


To obtain a gold or silver sign, it is necessary to perform at least 5 tests submitted by the test organizer, and to obtain a gold mark it is necessary to perform all 5 tests for the standard of this sign, and for obtaining a silver sign - at a standard not lower than the silver mark.

The project is planned to be carried out in three stages in the following order: 1st stage: 1-23 September - Intramural mass testing according to the standards of student accounting (students who have fulfilled the standards for the gold mark get to the team of the higher educational institution in the TRP, receiving the right to defend the honor of the university on the 2 nd stage - regional (or city) student festival of TRP).



2 nd stage: September 24 - November 11 - acceptance of standards in test centers for the implementation of standards for testing (tests) of the TRP complex for the project participants who completed the "Staszachet ASKK of Russia" complex for the golden badge at the intra-university stage (regional student festivals of the TRP).

The best Shukhov students, who passed all the necessary standards, will be able to represent the university in the team at the 1st All-Russian Student Festival of TRP.

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