Carting weekend at the university

The mainstay of the Belgorod region has been actively supporting and developing technical sports for several years. Students of the "Technologist" and other universities of the country, as well as employees of various companies of the region are pleased to participate in various tournaments and carting competitions held by BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.




Open amateur championship in carting for the cup of the rector of the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov and the autumn carting marathon have already become a good tradition of the beginning of the academic year. These competitions are held annually for more than four years, gathering hundreds of participants from all over Russia. The organizers of the competition are the Belgorod State Technological University named after. V.G. Shukhova and engineering-racing team BSTU. Named after V.G. Shukhov SHUKHOV RACINGTEAM with the support of Shukhov Motors LLC.

On the 15th of September  11 student teams competed for the Cup of the Rector on the open track of the "Virage", and on September 16 - 6 teams of companies and educational institutions found out who is best at mastering the skill of controlling the racing card.

Rector of BSTU.named after V.G. Shukhov, Professor S.Glagolev noted the importance of this sport and personal example demonstrated the excellent result of the distance in the team of the university team.

The main organizer of the competition is the chairman of the primary trade-union organization of the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov S. S.Latyshev shared his impressions: "Such events are very important, because they instill in people the love of sport, technology and communication. This is very important at the moment and we, as organizers, are trying to promote this. Our university is primarily technical, therefore, for all those involved, such competitions help develop and become a step higher. "

It is worth noting that the mandatory condition for participation is the presence of a female pilot in a team of five people. However, the fair sex is not inferior in skill to men, and sometimes show better results.

Congratulations to all the winners, prize-winners and participants of the competitions.

We wish new victories and accomplishments!

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