Military department was opened at the flagship university

On September 8, on the day of the celebration of the 165th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Grigoryevich  Shukhov, a military department was opened at the university. The decree on its restoration was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin on January 1, 2018.


At the solemn meeting, dedicated to the sign for the support university event, there were: the head of the Department of the State Service and Personnel of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Vera Samorodova, the rector of the BSTU. Named after V.G. Shukhova prof.Sergey Glagolev, President of the University Anatoly Gridchin, representatives of the university administration, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, representatives of law enforcement agencies and other officials.



"I would like to thank everyone who participated in the restoration of the military department. Students BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov will again receive a military specialty without detachment from the main training activities. - said the rector of the university prof. Sergei Glagolev.

To the sounds of the brass band, the songs of the vocal studio "Faculty" and the loud threefold "Hooray!" Students solemn opening of the military department took place.

After a rally of field trips on the infrastructure of the renovated training center: they showed the audience and computer classes equipped with the latest technology, teaching and office facilities. It is worth noting that the academic building number 6, in which the military department used to be before its closing, has significantly changed: a stylish, discreet and functional interior with modern equipment. In such an educational building, students shared with each other, it is simply impossible to learn badly.

To date, the military training of citizens from the number of full-time students through training programs for sergeants, foremen and rank-and-file stocks. The nearest selection will take place in October, and classes for recruits will begin in February.

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