The Academic Council summarized the results of the admission campaign in 2018

The first meeting of the Academic Council in the new 2018-2019 academic year was held at the flagship university of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.

The meeting was opened by the rector of the university professor Sergey Glagolev. Before considering the agenda, according to the established tradition, Sergey Nikolaevich handed the departmental, regional and federal awards to university lecturers and staff.

The commemorative medals "For services to BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov" of 2nd and 3rd degrees, letters of thanks of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation and the Governor of the Belgorod Region, certificates of the academic title of the Higher Attestation Commission, as well as certificates of honor of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov were awarded.



The information "On the results of recruitment of the student contingent 2018-2019 academic year" was the main issue on the agenda. Director of the Institute for Organization and Management of recruitment Sergey Bulgakov made detailed information about the progress and results of the admission campaign.


The first vice-rector Nikolay Shapovalov submitted competitive questions to the academic council, and the relevant decisions were taken by secret ballot.

The issue of indexing fellowships was raised. From the beginning of the new academic year, the scholarship will be increased for all Russian students. Indexation will be 4% and will occur at the expense of the federal budget.


The Scientific Secretary of the Council Tatyana Duyun announced the plan of meetings of the University Academic Council for the 2018-2019 academic year, which was approved by the results of the voting.

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