Governor Evgeny Savchenko assessed the scientific and innovative potential of the university

Governor of the Belgorod region Evgeny Savchenko visited the regional flagship university. The head of the region got acquainted with the production laboratory of the engineering and racing team «SHUKHOV RACING TEAM», the development of the training and production center of creative workshops, the projects of the center for innovations and design «Metamorphosis». Also, an innovative 3D printer, which doesn’t have analogues in Russia, was presented to the head of the region.


Scientists, innovators of the university, the leadership of the region, representatives of Belgorod enterprises discussed cooperation issues dedicated to innovative entrepreneurship in the university at the exhibition in the Student Cultural Center.

Rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, Professor Sergey Glagolev pointed out that the university is betting on the establishment of an entrepreneurial type university during the round table meeting. The university provides support to students, undergraduates and graduate students in the establishing of their small innovative enterprise and the implementation of start-ups.


The university is fully responsive to the challenges of the digital economy. Technological solutions of scientists and innovators of the university are in demand not only in the Belgorod region, but also beyond its borders. Enterprises introduce innovative technologies, information products, high-tech equipment and complexes, and use modern building materials.


The university will train specialists in the field of analysis of large data, smart technologies, computer mechatronics, computer science and robotics, as well as the university will train designers of virtual worlds, IT managers, digital technologists for the agro-industrial complex.


The main task of an entrepreneurial university is the «cultivation» of innovative entrepreneurs. The establishment of more than 300 Small Innovative Enterprises (SIE) with an annual turnover of 5-6 billion rubles will help achieve this goal.



It should be reminded that more than 100 high-tech SIE operate at BSTU named after V. G. Shukhov.

The flagship university is among the five best universities in Russia in terms of the number of small innovative enterprises.

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