The action «World No Tobacco Day» was held at the university

World No Tobacco Day is celebrated on May 31. 2 thematic events were held by the Interregional Center for the Promotion of a Healthy Lifestyle «Zdorovo! » of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov with the support of the administration of the city of Belgorod.


Round table «ZDOROVO! without tobacco» was held at BSTU. «Secrets of manipulation. Tobacco», revealing the secrets of manipulation of public consciousness in the field of tobacco use was demonstrated to participants. Specialist on social work of «Regional addiction treatment clinic» Sergey Sumarokov introduced the measures and methods of work.

Head of the Interregional Center «Zdorovo!» Yevgeny Kobzev spoke about the norms of federal and regional laws concerning the protection of public health from exposure to tobacco smoke. He also informed how to act if your rights to clean air around are violated.



The action to inform citizens about the ban on smoking at public transport stops in accordance with the current legislation was the continuation of the round table.

Activists of the «Zdorovo!» Center posted stickers at the busiest stops in the city of Belgorod, meeting the approving looks of the passengers. It was evident that the action found a response in the hearts of the Belgorod citizens. The plans to conduct joint raids with police officers to curb violations of legislation in the field of protecting public health from exposure to tobacco smoke at public transport stops.

We call to protect your health and the health of others! Join the action «Zdorovo!»

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