Intra-university competition of innovative projects is completed

The annual university competition of innovative projects «The Cup of Young Innovators of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov» was held for students, graduate and young scientists of the university within the framework of the «Program for the Development of the Flagship University for 2017-2021» in academic year 2017-18.


Vice-rector for innovation Tatyana Davydenko spoke as the chairman of the competition commission. 7 projects were presented (4 student projects and 2 projects of young scientists in the nomination «Innovative project on the priority direction of regional social and economic development», 1 student project in the nomination «Social Innovative Project»).


In the nomination «Innovative project on the priority direction of regional social and economic development» the following projects were presented:

- «Student project»:

- Sych Anna, 2nd year student (group PG-21), Institute of architecture, the Department of urban cadaster and engineering surveys, scientific supervisor Alexander Dolzhenko. Project subject: «Development of an intellectual monitoring system for violations of land and urban legislation with the use of aerial photography»;


- Victoria Tochina, 1st year student (group MDAF-11),  Institute of Magistracy, the Department of architectural environment design, scientific supervisor Alexander Popov. Project subject: «Design-project of corporate style of interiors of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov»;

- Maria Drebezgova, 2nd year student (group MA-21), Institute of Magistracy, the Department of architecture and urban development, scientific supervisor Margarita Perkova. Project subject: «Use of additive technologies in the design and construction of green offices»;

- Alexander Polyakov, 2nd year student (group PG-21), Institute of architecture, the Department of urban cadaster and engineering surveys, scientific supervisor Alexander Dolzhenko. Project subject: «Development of effective structures of low cost, labor and material consumption with the use of pipe concrete for individual houses»;

- «Young Scientists»:

- Irina Markova, engineer of the Department of materials science and materials technology, Construction Engineering Institute, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Project subject: «Ash and bitumen astringents for asphalt mixes».

- Oleg Sharapov, senior lecturer of the Department of construction and urban management, Construction Engineering Institute. Project subject: «Methods of reconstruction of facades for increasing the energy efficiency of multi-apartment houses in the city of Belgorod».


In the nomination «Social Innovative Project»

- «Student project»:

- Oleg Ryazanov, 4th year student (group PV-41), Institute of Power engineering, Information technologies and Management systems, department of computer software and automated systems, Head of the Dept. Vladimir Polyakov. Project subject: «Information system for organizing events on sports grounds».

According to the results of experts' evaluation of the content of innovative projects and public defence of submitted projects, Maria Drebzegova became the winner of the competition.

The results of the contest were summarized at the meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council on May 28. The winner of the competition - Maria Drebezgova was awarded with a diploma and a prize money, all the finalists were awarded certificates of participants of the competition and certificates of training in the program of technological entrepreneurship «Five steps of the young innovator to success».

Letters of gratitude were presented to the scientific supervisors of Student Innovation Projects.

Authors of the best innovative projects will take part in presentation sessions for investors on the recommendation of the Bid Evaluation Committee in September-October 2018.

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