The University supported the Olympiad for senior pupils held by «Rosseti»

A solemn ceremony of awarding winners and participants of the first stage of the All-Russian Olympiad «Rosseti» for high school students took place in the branch of MRSK Center – «Belgorodenergo».

«Belgorodenergo» branch with the support of the regional department of education and the Small Technological University of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov were the organizers of this event in the Belgorod region.


Acting director of MRSK Center -«Belgorodenergo» branch, Deputy General Director - Alexander Shadrin, Head of the Personnel Management Department - Tatyana Tatukova, Chief Specialist of the Regional Education Department - Evgenia Kovalevskaya and specialist of the Small Technological University of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov Anastasia Shcherbakova spoke with words of gratitude.

The winners and prizers got the opportunity to participate in the second and final stage, which is held in distant form by carrying out complex tasks (cases) by the participants aimed at testing the creative skills and the ability to apply the available knowledge in the subjects «physics», «mathematics», «computer science» in the course of solving applied problems in the electric power industry.

After an exciting excursion, the students received assignments for participation in the II stage of the Olympiad. The results will be announced in May 2018.

It should be reminded that in April MRSK Center announced the results of the first qualifying stage of the All-Russian Olympiad «Rosseti» for high school students, which was held on March 31 and April 1, 2018 in nine regions of the electric grid company's responsibility zone.

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