Serbian students were impressed with Belgorod culture and weather

During one month, the students from the State Pristina University temporary situated in Kosovska Mitrovica and the University in Nis (Serbia) studied at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.

The youth delegation consisted of students of economic, chemical and natural-mathematical faculties who went through the competitive process. The program was implemented within the student exchange and included the production internship and internships at the university departments. The students who major in «Mathematics» completed an internship at the Department of Higher Mathematics, students from the Economics Faculty mastered the future specialization at the Department of Accounting and Audit, and the student, majoring in «General Chemistry» was practicing at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry.


Also, students attended Russian language classes at the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens.

As a result of the individual programs implementation, Serbian students prepared projects and research works.

The Institute of Serbian Language and Communications organized a rich cultural and health program for students from a friendly country. The students participated in sports and cultural university events, visited the Belgorod State Philharmony, attended the performance «The Cherry Orchard» at the theatre named after M.S. Shchepkin, the museum-diorama «Fiery arc», and also made a pilgrimage trip to the Holy Trinity Holkovsky Monastery.


Vice-Rector on International Activitiy of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov Ruslan Lesovik solemnly handed the Certificates of Practice to Serbian students and expressed the hope that in future the children will become our students, doing master degree program here. The Russian Language Certificates were presented to the students by the senior lecturer of Russian Language and Natural Sciences Department Olga Arkatova.


Students from Serbia are frequent visitors at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov. They actively participate in student exchanges programs and in the university summer school. Tamara Nikolic comes to Belgorod for the second year in a row. «On the first visit, I really liked your culture and art. Such an exchange is a wonderful experience for cooperation and gaining new knowledge in my specialization», the girl shared her thoughts.

«The experience of attending classes on economics conducting in Russian language is very interesting. I also liked the cultural program and was stroke by the unusually cool weather», said Natalia Milichevich, a student from the Faculty of Economics of the Nis University.

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