Flagship University of the Belgorod Region took part at the All-Russia Forum «Mentor-2018»

The first All-Russian forum aimed at developing a professional mentoring environment - «Mentor-2018», was held in Moscow on February 13-15 and united several thousand people. Basically, these are people involved in the practice of mentoring: current mentors of enterprises, representatives of personnel departments, employees of non-profit organizations and educational institutions. The forum was held under the patronage of the Administration of the President of Russia and personally Vladimir Putin, which was repeatedly highlighted by the first deputy head of the Administration S.V. Kiriyenko, as well as ministers and company executives.



Deputy Chief of the Department of Construction and Transport, O.P. Kozlitina, head of the department of professional education and science A. A. Buchek represented the Administration of the Belgorod Region at the forum.

The director of the Center for the promotion of graduates Y.Y. Buryak took part at the forum from the flagship university of the Belgorod region. The staff of the Center along with LLC «Belenergomash» submitted an application in advance for participation in the competition of production mentorship practices. The head of the design department of metal structures of this enterprise, an active participant in the project «Successful BSTU graduate» I. A. Timofeev was participating as mentor. For 9 previous years, Igor Anatolievich trained over a hundred graduates, and more than 50 graduates remained to work at the production. In the nomination «Mentoring at production» industrial Russian giants, branch flagships (Severstal, Aeroflot, Alrosa, etc.) took part in the finals.


The business program was divided into four main blocks: «Mentoring in the Workplace», «Mentoring in the Social Sphere», «Mentoring in Education and university clubs» and «Mentoring in Business and Entrepreneurship». It’s also worth noting that, interactive work with the participators, voting on problem issues in the field of training young professionals and the mentoring system was also used in the forum in addition to reports and presentations. This method allowed to show the situation in 85 regions of our country: from the Far East to Kaliningrad, exchange experiences, agree a common approach to the development of the mentoring system. The main goal of this program is not only to revive the mentors’ movement, which originates in the Soviet past and earlier periods of Russian history, but to reach a new, modern quality level. This will allow for training of highly qualified personnel fully meeting the modern requirements of employers and preventing imbalances in the labor market in the future, which were outlined at the beginning of the XXI century.

It may be added that the large regional and federal companies continue to implement the practice of mentoring in the production n varying degrees.

It was reported in the submitted applications (over 4,000). However, the involvement of young specialists in this field is at an insufficient level. This prompted the agency of strategic initiatives to arrange this forum. General state concept to support the movement of mentors was developed as a result of the event. S.V. Kirienko said that the «Mentor» forum will be held annually.

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