Foreign students visited Belgorod cement

24 students from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Turkey, of the second year of education at the mechanical equipment department (English program, bachelor degree) visited the Belgorod Holding company "EUROCEMENT group". The head of the roasting shop of the plant Sergey Lezhansky and the chief technologist Anton Gunko acquainted the guests with the technological equipment and cement production at the plant. The students inspected the clinker firing, cement grinding and raw materials shop. The most inquisitive students looked into the kiln for a clinker burning through a special mask and watched as the torch of the furnace burns. BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov is one of the leading educational institutions of higher education in Russia in training specialists for the cement industry. The personnel management of «Belgorod cement» actively cooperates with the university, trying to attract talented young people to the company. The implementation of joint events with students aimed to create and develop an effective vocational education system that takes into account the interests of both the employer and graduates.

"The guys really liked it", said Pavel Gorshkov, an associate professor at the mechanical equipment department. - We are grateful for the opportunity to demonstrate the production process of the key construction material, the work of the russian cement plant. It is not always true, what is in the books, and students could see the real working production for the first time. Acquaintance with operating plant is an integral element of effective education".

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