The University commemorated the day of V.G.Shukhov memory.

In the museum and exhibition complex of the core university, the exposition of the department of architectural environment design "The Hyperboloid of engineer Shukhov" was held within the framework of the events dedicated to the 165th anniversary of the birth of the great inventor, whose name was given to our university.

On February 2, 1939, Vladimir Grigoryevich Shukhov passed away, left out of the mass of ingenious engineering developments that had no analogues in the world and forever changed the direction of development of scientific and technological progress.


The students of the department prepared the reports telling about the activity of the great scientist. To honor the memory of a brilliant engineer, students and university staff visited the exhibition.

The guests were greeted by the director of the museum-exhibition complex Tamara Konoreva: "If you recall Shukhov works, and he has 115 patents, they can be represented in the form of the sun with rays. Each invention of Vladimir Grigorievich was unique and has an original author's idea.


He said about himself: "My qualification is engineer, and my calling is a photographer". He took so many great photos. Therefore, there are so many photos at the exhibition - this is a continuation of Shukhov's tradition".

The Honored Russian Architect, Director of the Architectural Institute, Vitaly Pertsev noted: "Shukhov's merit in architecture and design is that he managed to create such types of structures that have brought a new aesthetics to the world. For example, the «hi-tech movement» owed its origin to Vladimir Shukhov. I call students to rely on the inventions of Shukhov in their papers. Now 3-D and 4-D printers are being developed, and I assure you that it's hard to manage without them. I am proud that we work at the university, which bears the name of Vladimir Grigoryevich Shukhov. "


Vasily Bogdanov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Artist, Honored Worker of Science, said: "Vladimir Shukhov is a great man. He created such fundamental, basic inventions, which are still relevant and used in industry. And they are not only aesthetically beautiful from the point of view of architecture, they also possess minimal metal consumption. Shukhov truly deserves our respect, recognition and pride to be considered his fellow countrymen".


Stanislav Minakov, the Member of the Union of Russian Writers, summed up the solemn part of the exhibition: "We can say that we are dealing with a genius. I am not afraid to use this word. Vladimir Shukhov is a genius of the world civilization, a man who has shown himself in various fields.



I would like to recall his words: "I can’t see an engineer outside of culture. And the Russian engineer who did not gain knowledge from Pushkin and Lermontov, Chekhov and Tolstoy, Repin and Tchaikovsky will not create anything beautiful". And Shukhov was both a great engineer and a great humanist". 

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