Mister Student contest

In December the concert hall of the Student Art Centre of Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University hosted an enchanting annual competitive show program "Student of the Year 2014", prepared by the entire creative team of professionals working in the Art Centre. Ten of the brightest, most talented, energetic, self-motivated young men showed the jury and the audience, how original, witty, cheerful and charismatic they are. It was the competition among the "ten" which can be truly called the most exciting show out of those we have seen recently!


The competition program was quite difficult, and it was incredibly difficult to choose the best of the contestants, who represented the institutes, who were really ambitious and worthy of Olympus. Especially because each participant was persistent in his desire to win and did his best for the complete one hundred percent.



According to the results of the competition, a fifth-year student of the Institute of building materials and environmental safety Pavel Gayvoronskiy was recognized to be the first among the contestants. The second place was given to a first year student of Power Engineering Institute Ibrahim Abibulaev. The third prize was awarded to a fourth-year student of the Institute of Economics and Management, Baron Mvula from Zambia. The Internet poll was in favor of Ivan Solomon – institute of information technology.


In general, the show program consisted of four exciting contests. In the first competition-“presentation” each participant and a half minutes had to acquaint the audience with his position in life, with dreams and plans. Pavel Gayvoronskiy was remembered by with his heartfelt speech that life is one long, long exam that we have to go through with honor and dignity. After graduation he is going to devote his life to fire fighting. The audience was pleased with the  the active lifestyle of Ilya Katkov, who, by the way, more than once became the winner of the national and European Basketball Tournament. Danil Shepelin and Yaroslav Smirnov were remembered by their sparkling humor. A foreign student Baron Mvula was sincere in admitting that the Russian language had produced an explosion in his mind and life, and now he also considers himself a "Russian."


During the next competition the contestants were supposed to congratulate the university with the anniversary on the part of a historical personality. For example, Ivan Solomon congratulated the university in the image of the world proletariat leader Vladimir Lenin.


In the competition "A Music video" the contestants were to impersonate a famous singer. The main condition was a celebrity had to be recognized! Again, most of the participants were excellent.


The contest "It’s time to create" the candidates have shown their creativity and skills. Vladlen Belikov demonstrated how well and quickly he could draw. A surprising for its artistry was Paul Obolonskiy in the image of the Egyptian warrior and reproduced the whole idea - a sword fight (earlier he cleverly turned into the image of Charlie Chaplin).

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