Festival of Natonal Cultures

At the end of November  preparatory faculty for foreign citizens held a traditional annual event - the festival of national cultures.
The faculty already has its own hymn to the tune of the song "May There Always Be Sunshine". The lyrics were written by Elena Zagorodnyuk, deputy director of the centre for international education and cooperation and now it has become a necessary attribute during all the numerous activities of this training department.


Accompanied by the hymn of the festival the student appeared with national flags of countries from where they had arrived in BSTU. This year representatives from Turkey and Uganda, France and Chad, Angola and Afghanistan, China and Venezuela, Vietnam and Egypt and other countries are taking the foundation course. Here they learn the Russian language, which later will become the foundation for professional knowledge. Here they learn how to make friends and overcome national, religious and cultural differences. "We are different, but we are one family" - this is the main idea of the educational process at the preparatory faculty. And, of course, foreigners are acquainted with the culture, life, history of the country in which they will learn and live for the next five or six years.


Naturally, that the festival of national cultures was opened by the student Cossack Choir under the direction of M. Krivchenko. The young people performed the song "Russia is the motherland".


In the process of learning there appeared students international creative unions. Such an alliance was formed by Halak Mohammad Nader and Bveupe Arthur. The students performed a rap song. The audience greeted the artists with ovation, but still looking forward to all the traditional songs and dances of the peoples of the world.


And expectations came true: Shah Soltan Ahmad Khaled sang a song in Persian. And his compatriots - the guys from Afghanistan decorated the musical composition with male folk dance, where they showed a calm masculine character of this nation.

The participants of the concert told about their homeland, not only the language of music and sculpture, almost all prepared video presentations. Pictures on the screen were alternated one after another devoted to natural features of a country, its people, architectural monuments, historical events, current advances.


Presentations by Zambian students was no exception, this country is also known as the country of rainbows and waterfalls. Exotic dance captured the audience so much that some decided to join the dancers on stage.

Students of preparatory faculty are very open and emotional. They are characterized by the artistry and the courage to express their feelings.


A modest young lady from Palestine, beautiful Bsoul Manar, very worried before the performance. But she managed to conquer the audience with his gentle voice. A song about the country and performed by representatives of Lebanon.


This year at the preparatory faculty there are especially a lot of representatives from Burundi. Very nice feminine dance was prepared by the girls in national costumes, and then the audience could see a men’s dance performed by young men of this country. Representatives of Angola and Ghana also performed hot traditional dances of Africa full of passion and fire.



International duo Zane Wali (Pakistan) and Shah Soltan Ahmad Khaled (Afghanistan) made a heartfelt song "If tomorrow comes".


Foreign students not only learn the Russian language, but also learn songs in Russian. Viyizigiro Rachel prepared a soulful song "I love you to tears" (from the repertoire of  Alexandre Serov), which was enthusiastically accepted the hall. It turns out that this song is well known, the audience sang along with the performer. And Shah Soltan Ahmad Khaled sang the song "I’ve been thinking" (brothers Shahunc), which also was a great success.


The Festival is a unique journey into the different corners of our planet, the opportunity to learn more about the people inhabiting it. Every nation is interesting in its own way, as well as every person. Every person living on the planet, has a feeling of pride of their homeland, their people and their history. And together we are a happy family!

Victoria Gorainova

Photo- Olesya Kluchevskaya



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