Foreign students aroused surprise and admiration

On November 21 held the first International contest-festival of young composers "This wonderful world", was attended by contestants from North Ossetia, Angola, Nigeria and various Russian cities. Students of Belgorod Shukhov State technological university could not stand aside from this important cultural event.
Foreign nationals, who are studying at the university, took the initiative and decided to present their creations. Nathaniel Ofor Friday (Institute of Architecture and construction, studying program  "Construction" in the English language), who came from Nigeria (Lagos), presented his song "The King." The idea of creating a work came when Nathaniel was in the village where his grandmother lives. The young man admired the respect and worship with which people treat their king in the village, and he decided to devote his work to this. This is a kind of hymn glorifying the royal title which calls for great responsibility.
The lyrics were written in two languages - English and in the local language. Nathaniel perfectly performed this music, because of being not only a great poet, but also due to his playing the piano. He has mastered the instrument by himself, using the resources of the Internet. The level of his performance was so high that the audience and the board of Judges stood in ovation. For a young man it was a successful debut on the Russian land. He was awarded a first degree laureate diploma. In the future he plans to increasingly participate in such events.

The representative of Angola Kalembe Zacarias Sanzhamba Vashco (Institute of Architecture and construction, specialization-Architecrture), presented a patriotic song called "Angola". Zacarias also performed playing the guitar. Like his friend, the young man did not specifically studied music, he mastered the guitar with the help of his friends. Music and lyrics came to him from the heart. He put the full power of love for their homeland into the song. And he did it so sincerely that the Board of Judges who did not know the language in which it was written, praised the performance. Kalembe Zacarias  received the Second Degree Laureate Diploma .
The young man said: "I have repeatedly represented this song live in BSTU Students Art Centre, the Institute of Culture, and other venues. The song receives warm welcome everywhere. I am honored to represent the University. It was very nice to get good feedback from the Board of Judges. They said that they would invite me to other competitions. I connect my life to architecture. The architecture and music are interrelated. They say that architecture is music, carved in stone. "

Center for International Education and Cooperation pays great attention to international students. The center's employees carry out multiple activities: Days of national cultures, art festivals and competitions, are familiar with the cultural traditions of Belgorod. Naturally, that the Board of Judges noted the work of Deputy Director, Center for E.V. Zagorodnyuk, she also received a Diploma.

This festival in the city, and the whole country was held for the first time. The competition is to introduce children and young people with different school of composers of Russia and other countries.
The organizers expressed their confidence that the festival will become a tradition and will receive public recognition. And we are confident that in the future our students will  conquer the jury and spectators of the festival with their talent.
Victoria Goryaynova

Photo by Olesya Kluchevslaya.

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