The dialogue between Egypt and Russia cultures

An exhibition of Egyptian artist and sculptor, a professor of Cairo University, Cultural Attaché of Egypt Republic  Usama El-Serwy  was open at the small hall of the museum and exhibition complex  of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.

This even was at the same day with the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the University and become a bridge between the cultures of Egypt and Russia.

The opening was attended by the Rector of the university prof. Glagolev S.N., Head of the Department of the Russian Ministry of Vocational Training Mr. Shepelev G.V., representatives of foreign delegations who came for anniversary of the university, vice rectors of our university and directors of the institutions.

Exhibition "Golden Ring eyes of foreigners" brings together more than 100 paintings pieces.

In Egypt, Dr. Usama El-Serwy  known as a painter and sculptor.

The author of the exhibition graduated Cairo University and then studied at the Russian Academy of Arts in Leningrad. He is an expert of Russian culture, the author of several books about Russian art, monuments by Chekhov, Tchaikovsky and Mendeleyev in Cairo, monument Said Darwish (the founder of the modern music of Egypt and the author of the national anthem) in Moscow.

At the opening of the exhibition the artist led the tour and told the visitors about his works, shared his impressions of Russia, thanked staff of the BSTU.

Also he presented to the museum of the university one of his sculptures - the bust of the Egyptian writer and culturologist Abbas Mahmoud Al-Akkad.

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