Trees as a memory of the visit

As part of the University anniversary celebration the foreign guests of the university took part in planting trees on the "Alley of Friendship" of the BSTU.

It becomes a good tradition-when our friends come to us they leave alive present which will grow and bring happy to everybody as a good memories.

At the alley already growing chestnuts and rowans and now there will be lindens. President of the university noted that this tree grows 300 years in our band. That means 300 years they will remind about visit of H.E. Yousuf Al Zadjali, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Sultanate of Oman to the Russian Federation, H.E. Faed Mustafa, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Palestine to the Russian Federation, H.E. Riad Haddad, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Syrian Arab Republic to the Russian Federation, Cultural Attaché of the Egypt Republic-dr. Usama El-Serwy  and Chairman of the  Russian-Lebanese friendship Society- dr. Abbas Basher. And also president of the association of foreign students , who are studying in Russian – teacher of Peoples' Friendship University of Russian Yao Nikez Adu.

Then foreign guests shared their experiences with journalists.

Ambassador  of Syrian Arab Republic-H.E. Riad Haddad said that during his visit to Belgorod he learned alot about the history of this region, that cruel war was on this earth, how was this city destroyed. “And now we may see what the Russian people did. What a prosperous region. It's a matter of respect! - The ambassador said. “We are pleased that our students study at your university, we  believe that here they become good specialists, which are so necessary in Syria".

Cultural Attaché of the Egypt Republic, egyptian artist and sculptor, professor at Cairo University –dr. Usama El-Serwy,  sure that we need to develop cultural ties as well: "It is through the development of art, you can create peace on Earth."

Now each ambassador has his own tree. Also Rector of the university prof. Glagolev S.N. and representatives of the Student Council of the University took part in this event.

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