Visit to the battlefield of Prokhorovka

Preparatory faculty for foreign citizens of the University prepared interesting and extensive program for the participants of the summer language school "Education + vacation". Students will not only learn the Russian language but also will be taken taken to places of interest in the Belgorod region.


The most memorable experience for guests was a trip to place sacred for each person of Belgorod and the Russians - to the State Reserve "Prokhorovka". We may say the tourists were lucky.

Not everyone has a chance to visit place where the biggest tank battle of Second World War took place. There was an anniversary of this event.



Young people from France, Egypt and Serbia found out about the heroic deed of Soviet soldiers, who did everything to defend their homeland. They also found that as a result of Kursk Battle, which ended on 23nd of August, 1943,Kharkov was  liberated and the German troops had been defeated. Strategic initiative passed to the Red Army. Since that time start the liberation of the country and the people of Europe from the Nazis. The third Russian glory battle field of Belgorod is the pride and pain of the Russian people.

The guests had a tour of the museum, where they were able to immerse themselves in the heroic atmosphere of the Second World War  and then took a walk around the neighborhood, which they also will remember for long.

Participants of  language school had a chance to learn more about the history of the Belgorod region.

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