Diverse and equal


Can the Russians be called tolerant people? How to cultivate this traits? Is there a danger that the tolerance to other’s interests and needs will result in the loss of certain moral values? These questions were the topic of a "round table", at Belgorod State Institute of Art and Culture. Participants of the meeting were university students in Belgorod, both Russian and foreign - representatives from over 20 countries in the world.


At the beginning of the meeting the debaters tried to come to a consensus concerning what the word "tolerance" means.  Dictionaries define it as the ability to perceive without hostility anothetr lifestyle, culture, customs and beliefs. However, this kind of tolerance, in the opinion of the audience, does not mean passivity, indifference. On the contrary, it is an active social behavior, implying a willingness to defend the rights and freedoms of others.



According to the young people, whose parents had studied here a few decades ago, felt more difficulty and even fear. Although slowly, tolerance in modern Russia has acquired proper development. As a student Belgorod state technological university named after V.G. Shukhov Jonathan Mulenga (Zambia) told the audience, foreign young people become frequent visitors to kindergartens or orphanages. Kids watch with great interest presentations about the culture and traditions of other countries, gradually overcoming existing barriers. BSTU representatives communicate with schoolchildren as well. Together they carried out various sports, creative events, setting unbreakable friendships with the younger generation. And this will not be easy to erase the acquired experience, stressed Aron Katambi Ambi (Angola). Precisely because this experience was acquired at the time of personal formation and in an informal manner.



An appeal from one of the students not to limit the concept of "tolerance" by talking about the relationship of countries and peoples found high appreciation from the audience. Behind good manifestations of global character, the needs of those living closely, side by side with us can be put aside: in transport, shops, when crossing a street.  Mercy, indifference, as acknowledged by the participants are also signs of tolerance.





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