Getting to Know Russia
As we have informed, students learning Russian at Preparatory Faculty for foreign students at BSTU get acquainted with history and culture of Belgorod region. The purpose of this diversified and rich program of their stay is to get complete understanding concerning the past and the present of our land.
This week the students have visited Falk Culture Museum. For them acquaintance with the exposition became a real discovery of Belgorodia. Authentic peasants’ belongings, the guide’s information about traditions and customs of our ancestors were of immense interest.
The love of the museum for the past of our home land, their emotional stories about the life of simple Russian people made the young foreign visitors excited, who, guided by the museum staff, had a chance to make a doll from a piece of a tissue, like it was done in ancient Rus. Leaving the museum, the foreign students had a different view of Russia, which was familiar by fragmentary information or newspaper stamps, giving a totally different impression. We think, it will help them to acquire deeper knowledge of Russian and its language. Georgiy Alexandrov