Studying Russian


In the modern world, the knowledge of foreign languages ​​is essential. People are talking, visiting different countries, working on the Internet. When looking for a job, professional growth and career development knowledge of foreign languages ​​is often an advantage. Today the Russian language is one of the most developed and popular in the world. 290 million people speak Russian. Russian is one of the six official languages ​​of the UN.
The fastest way to learn the Russian language - learn it in a country where it is spoken, which means  to be included in the language environment. Therefore, we offer RUSSIAN LANGUAGE courses for foreign nationals wishing to study Russian.
Sound approach to teaching Russian to the foreigners, is backed by a strong tradition of qualified teachers of our university (we have been train foreign nationals since 1991), which is a substantial argument for Russian language training in our courses.
We provide a wide range of training programs (from elementary and beginner levels to business-Russian). Using intensive training methods help the students start speaking Russian almost from the very first practical class. We employ qualified teachers who know the modern teaching methods. In teaching the Russian language we use audio and video materials.
Attending our courses, you will be able not only to pass the course of the Russian language, but also to make new friends from around the world, join many interesting sightseeing tours, learn about the culture and traditions of Russia.
Summer courses "Learning + LEASURE" allow not only to be involved in the language environment, but also to get acquainted with the cultural attractions of the city. The program is developed by a teacher in accordance with the level of training and your personal wishes. One day a week is dedicated to an excursion. You will be introduced to the historical monuments of the city and its surroundings. Combining education with recreation helps to quickly learn Russian.

Elena Legochkina, PHD, Head of Russian Language Department



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