Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University is a participant of Open Innovations Expo 2012


Today in Moscow, at the site of the Expocentre, the exhibition «Open Innovations Expo 2012" has started, featuring the innovative technological solutions applied. This is Russia's first international exhibition of high-tech. With its unique concept that brings developers of innovative products and technologies, business technology sector, the investment community and development institutions, scientists and politicians from around the world, the event is planned to take its place in the international schedule, along with the global exhibition brands.

Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University  became a participant of the exhibition. Innovative design "technology" presented in the booth are dedicated to the achievements of Belgorod region.



Among the exhibits of our university is are  composite radiation shielding material, corundum and zirconium refractory screens, special composites with photocatalytic properties. Development of the section of the building materials are also among the exhibits: nanostructured composites for construction purposes, as well as constructive insulating concrete based nanostructured granular aggregate with prolonged action. Projects to expand the element base of microelectronics are also presented these are products based on single crystals leucosapphires for instrumentation, engineering, microelectronics and other exhibits.

At the opening ceremony of the exhibition was visited by Vice Chancellor for Research E. Yevtushenko. According to Yevgeny Ivanovich, visitors are actively interested in the Belgorod region projects and development of the university.

The exhibition is intended for the developmers of innovative products and technologies, business technology sector, the investment community and development institutions, representatives from various levels of government in Russia and abroad.

Today the "Open Innovation" was visited  by Moscow Mayor S.S. Sobyanin. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has already got familiarized with the exhibition , and is  planning to give his speech at the forum "Open Innovation", which is a part of the event.

It should be noted that the first international forum of innovative development of "Open Innovation", which had originally been planned to become a global discussion forum, brought together representatives of business, government bodies, education and science from around the world to discuss the main trends in the field of high technologies.

In the photo: the representatives of Belgorod region in the exhibition «Open Innovations Expo 2012."




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