International Scientific Congress in Germany 18.ibausil


From 12 to 15 September 2012 the Institute of Building Materials named after F.A. Finger (FIB) University Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (Germany) hosted the Eighteenth International Congress on Construction Products (18.ibausil). This is the largest forum held every three years and is an important development in building materials in the world. The First International Conference on Building Materials (ibausil) was held in 1964. As then, today one of the main goals of the conference is to bring together researchers from leading universities in the world, as well as representatives of industrial enterprises in the geographical center of Europe. As in the past, today the focus is on the problems of development and use of building materials.
More than 450 scientists from the leading countries of the world presented new knowledge in research and use of building materials in the following sections:
- Inorganic binders,
- Concrete and durability of concrete,
- Wall construction materials (structures content), materials processing.



Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University was represented by a corresponding member of Russian Academy of Constrtuction Sciences, head of building materials department, products and structures, prof. V.S. Lesovik. His report "Reducing the energy intensity of production of building materials through the use of energy and industrial geological processes" was of great interest. The fundamental basis of the report is a new scientific field - geonics being developed Valery S. Lesovik. The purpose of the development is search for general principles to control the development of objects of the inorganic world. The implementation of a new scientific field will not only expand the resource base of materials and develop new technologies, but also will improve the environment, increasing the level of environmental and human safety.


During the forum, the monograph of Valery S. Lesovik "Geonics” was brought to the attention the scientists” translated into  English. The book summarizes all the accumulated theoretical and practical knowledge about the geological processes, laws and their application in the production of building materials.
One of the most important events for professionals in nanotechnology around the world is the 5th International Conference on Nanotechnology, held from 18 to 19 September at the Congress Center Westphal Dortmund. It is here that the best options are developed for early implementation of scientific results into production. At the conference, International Academy INTAMT held a seminar on "Nanotechnology in Germany: the areas of research and application." The speakers at the conference were the Minister of Innovation, Research, Science and Technology Land of North Rhine-Westphalia, Mrs. Schulze, managers and specialists of the leading nanotechnology companies in Germany.


During the conference the participants formulated proposals for funding basic research within the framework of the European Union. In this regard, V.S. Lesovik was invited to speak at the conference on the new scientific trend geonics, proposed by him.
Without any doubt, this trip to Germany and participation in two prestigious congresses draw attention to the work of scientists at BSTU, contributes to the university status, and will promote cooperation with other educational and research centers in the Russian Federation and foreign countries.


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