Preparatory Faculty Students Got Familiarized with Russian Traditions
On September 21 on the square in front of the diorama museum, an exhibition of folk art took place.
The students of preparatory faculty for foreign citizens at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov are not able to ignore such an event.
The exhibition was striking by its abundance. You could find anything there. The first step was to examine numerous stalls representing the diversity of Russian folk crafts. Doll charms, hats, handmade jewelry, dishes, wooden “matreshka” dolls, flowers made of beads, children’s toys. A master using simple tools was making wooden a carved spoon.
For those who were hungry, the exhibition of folk art offered open-air cafes, representing both Slavic and Oriental cuisine.
The culminating point was a concert, prepared by members of amateur performers. The foreign students first met the Russian culture face to face, dancing and listening to merry folk songs and enthusiastically applauding.
In conclusion, everyone can test himself when performing various tasks on a rope, suspended between the trees in the Victory Park.