Education is the best thing in life ...


"Education is the best thing in life ..."
with these words Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Zambia to the Russian Federation, Mr. Frederick Shumba Hapunda began the press conference for journalists held at BSTU. Mr. Ambassador visited Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov in order to further strengthen cooperation in the field of education and culture.



"Each country is committed to literacy. And Zambia is no exception. An your university our students gain knowledge in the field of construction, which is so essential to our country. I know that Russian universities train good specialists. The best doctors, civil engineers, and teachers graduated from Russian Universities. Today Zambia has a strong need for teachers, construction engineers. We hope that students who learn in your universities today, will come to your home country and raise its international prestige. "


Mr. Ambassador gave very meaningful and convincing answers to questions related to education, culture, interaction between the countries, but above all, he was interested in the relationship with Technological University, as a training center for building engineers. The honored guest assured the participants that he intends to continue strengthening contacts with the university and to increase the number of Zambian students at our university. His Excellency Frederick Shumba Hapunda  highly appreciated material base and technical facilities of the university and explained that experimental research and computer equipment of the University is above the level even of some famous European universities. Mr. Ambassador said that he was pleased with the hospitality and the warmth of Russian people, rendered to him while his stay at Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov. This is one of the first schools he has visited since being appointed to new ambassador's diplomatic capacity. The number of students in Zambians at BSTU is the largest in Russia.


During the press conference, the parties become closer in their views on many issues relating to education and will continue to expand and strengthen these ties, including those in the area of student and staff exchange.
                                                    V.Nosacheva, E.Sostin


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